MONITÉ is a video game for bullying and cyberbullying prevention on 6 to 11 year children, with the narrative of Daniel Nesquens and a cross-platform system, it allows to teach and educate, through an implicit learning, essential values of respect, empathy, assertiveness and conflict resolution, all of this proposed on a friendly and playable way. Monité is prepared for computer and virtual reality, contains parents, schools and therapist guides.
Only the first of the 4 designed planets is developed from this video game.
The role of experience during playing bullying prevention serious game: effects on knowledge and compassion. In line with previous findings stressing the importance of the player experience for game effectiveness, the main aim of the study was to explore whether the experience while playing a serious digital game aimed at bullying prevention mediated the relationship between initial and postgame knowledge about appropriate reactions in bullying situations, and initial and postgame compassion for the victim. (…) The results indicated that some aspects of the game experience could affect subsequent knowledge and compassion. Barbara Rončević Zubković , Svjetlana Kolić-Vehovec , Sanja Smojver-Ažić , Tamara Martinac Dorčić & Rosanda Pahljina-Reinić (2020): The role of experience during playing bullying prevention serious game: effects on knowledge and compassion, Behaviour & Information Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2020.1813332La utilización de videojuegos en el aula es un paradigma relativamente novedoso, enmarcado dentro del Edutainment, y con una consideración lúdica. No obstante, se decidió explorar su vertiente académica y mediante la investigación se está intentando buscar el modo de integrarlos en los contextos educativos (Etxeberría, 2001; Prensky, 2001; Buckingham, 2006; LaCasa, 2012; Pérez, 2012; Revuelta y Guerra, 2012; Méndez y Del Moral, 2015 y Tost y Boira, 2015). En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha integrado un videojuego serio para tratar el acoso escolar, el cual es una problemática frecuente en el contexto educativo (Olweus, 2001; Defensor del Pueblo, 2006; Oñate y Piñuel, 2007; Polo, León, Gómez, Palacios y Fajardo, 2013 y Polo, León y Gozalo, 2013). Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se ha realizado un cuasi experimento en un colegio público de la ciudad de Cáceres con alumnos y alumnas de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria divididos en 4 grupos, dos grupos control y dos grupos experimentales. A estos grupos se les aplicó un cuestionario relacionado con los problemas emocionales y de conducta. Los grupos control se enfrentaron a un pretest y un postest y los grupos experimentales realizaron un pretest, un tratamiento con el videojuego Monité y finalmente un postest. Para el análisis de estos datos mediante procedimientos estadísticos. La realización de estas pruebas nos ha llevado a una serie de conclusiones las cuales arrojan que le tratamiento con el videojuego serio funciona y, por lo tanto, minimiza conductas asociadas con los procesos de acoso escuela
Estudio evaluativo de prevención del acoso escolar con un videojuego.
Jorge Guerra Antequera tesis doctoral http://dehesa.unex.es/xmlui/handle/10662/6030
Virtual and augmented reality is the next frontier of technological innovation. As technology exponentially evolves, so do the ways in which humans interact and depend upon it.
Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is a comprehensive reference source for the latest scholarly material on the trends, techniques, and uses of virtual and augmented reality in various fields, and examines the benefits and challenges of these developments. Highlighting a range of pertinent topics, such as human-computer interaction, digital self-identity, and virtual reconstruction, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for researchers, academics, professionals, theorists, students, and practitioners interested in emerging technology applications across the digital plane.
Referencia a Monité en el capítulo serious games
Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications Management Association, Information Resources IGI Global, 2 mar. 2018 – 1845 páginas