
Overcooling in UAE homes: health issues and implications for learning efficiency


From 1990 to 2016, , air conditioning usage in the UAE increased from 25 to 125 terawatt hours, making up 70% of the country’s electricity consumption. Overcooling to 18°C in homes is common, leading to health issues and reduced learning efficiency during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses Electroencephalograms (EEG) to examine indoor thermal environments’ impact on learning efficiency. An artificial climate chamber set at 24°C or 20.5°C monitored 64 healthy males aged 21–29 during a 70-minute EEG session. Participants took a Visual Continuous Performance test and had their academic performance evaluated. Seven brain areas were analyzed for attention and power frequency. Results showed lower temperatures (20.5°C) increased EEG frequency, indicating better attention than 24°C. Statistical analysis revealed that concentration was achieved faster at lower temperatures. This study highlights the importance of optimizing indoor temperatures for improved learning efficiency and well-being.

Jung, C., Sami Abdelaziz Mahmoud, N., & El Samanoudy, G. (2024). Overcooling in UAE homes: health issues and implications for learning efficiency. Architectural Science Review, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/00038628.2024.2360910



This article includes in its reference research linked to Nesplora:

  • Díaz-Orueta, U., C. García-López, N. Crespo-Eguílaz, R. Sánchez-Carpintero, G. Climent, and J. Narbona. 2014. “AULA Virtual Reality Test as an Attention Measure: Convergent Validity with Conners’ Continuous Performance Test.” Child Neuropsychology 20 (3): 328–342. https://doi.org/10.1080/09297049.2013.792332

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