Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging tool in mental health care yet its potential in diagnostic assessments remains underexplored. Recognizing the growing need of technological advancements that support traditional methods for mental health assessment, this paper introduces the Virtual Reality Analytics Map (VRAM), a novel conceptual framework designed to leverage VR analytics for the detection of symptoms of mental disorders. The VRAM framework integrates psychological constructs with VR technology, systematically mapping and quantifying behavioral domains through specific VR tasks. This approach potentially allows for the precise capture and identification of nuanced behavioral, cognitive, and affective digital biomarkers associated with symptoms of mental disorders. The benefits of the VRAM framework are demonstrated with its example application across various mental disorders ensuring the utility and versatility of the framework. By bridging the gap between psychology and technology, the VRAM framework aims to contribute to the early detection and assessment of mental disorders.
This article includes within its references the following research, directly linked to Nesplora:
Vibhav Chitale, Julie D. Henry, Hai-Ning Liang, Ben Matthews, Nilufar Baghaei. Virtual reality analytics map (VRAM): A conceptual framework for detecting mental disorders using virtual reality data, New Ideas in Psychology, Volume 76, 2025, 101127, ISSN 0732-118X,
Este proyecto ha recibido financiación de la Unión Europea del programa de investigación e innovación
Horizon 2020 bajo el acuerdo Nº 733901
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