
Using XR to enhance effectiveness and group identification in remote group therapy for anxiety disorders: A critical analysis (Preprint)


Group therapy is a scalable and effective treatment for anxiety disorders. However, when performed online, the reduced ability to identify with group members and the reduced interactivity can limit its appeal and effectiveness. Extended reality (XR) technology, including virtual reality and augmented reality, may help address these limitations, thereby enhancing the reach of online group therapy and the benefits that can be drawn from it. To understand how the incorporation of XR technology may improve online group therapy for anxiety disorders, this viewpoint paper examines evidence related to the treatment of anxiety disorders using offline group therapy, online group therapy, and virtual reality, as well as ways to increase social identification and interactivity with the platform, the therapist, and other users. This viewpoint paper suggests ways to integrate these research streams to leverage the strengths of XR platforms and improve group therapeutic offerings.

This article includes research directly linked to Nesplora within its references:


  • Diaz-Orueta U, Fernandez-Fernandez MA, Morillo-Rojas MD, Climent G. Efficacy of lisdexamphetamine to improve the behavioural and cognitive symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: treatment monitored by means of the AULA Nesplora virtual reality test [Article in Spanish]. Rev Neurol. 2016;63(1):19-27. https://www.neurologia.com/63/1/10.33588/rn.6301.2015488
  • 59. Mulchay C, Goller H, Rice W. Virtual reality-based attention test review: the nesplora aula. J Pediatr Neuropsychol. 2024;10(3):243-249. [doi: 10.1007/s40817-024-00161-z]




Bouguettaya, Ayoub & Aboujaoude, Elias. (2024). Using XR to enhance effectiveness and group identification in remote group therapy for anxiety disorders: A critical analysis (Preprint). JMIR Formative Research. doi: 10.2196/64494




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