This paper describes a therapeutic full-body controlled video game for children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The game supports a co-located gameplay with a depth-sensing camera and a large media screen. Children play the game in pairs for improved impulse and behavior control, self-monitoring, peer-communication, and emotion regulation. The gaming was implemented as a part of a neuropsychological group intervention for children with confirmed deficits in attention or diagnosed ADHD. We present a final design of the game and associated gaming routines, explain anticipated health benefits of the gaming, outline how the gaming can be used for research and therapeutic purposes, and provide directions for future research.
ASSETS ’22: Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
October 2022
Article No.: 68
Pages 1–4
Authors: Yulia Gizatdinova, Vera Remizova, Antti Sand, Sumita Sharma, Kati Rantanen, Terhi Helminen, Anneli Kylliäinen
Este proyecto ha recibido financiación de la Unión Europea del programa de investigación e innovación
Horizon 2020 bajo el acuerdo Nº 733901
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