Virtual Reality is one of the most promising tools in the development of new methods for neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation. Neuropsychological assessment is typically carried out by administering paper-and-pencil tests to patients. However, these tests have some limitations, due to the fact that they are not effectively able to evaluate the subject’s performance of daily activities. To cope with this void, neuropsychologists base their evaluation on their clinical experience, often successfully. Nevertheless, this is not an evidence-based practice, thus it is not considered optimal from a medical decision-making perspective. More recently, however, the increasing accessibility of advanced technology such as virtual reality has opened new possibilities for neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation. Starting with this frame, the chapter explores the changes that have occurred over time in the neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation up to the most recent VR-based tools. In particular, we will present a VR-based PC tool for the assessment of executive functions, and a VR-based mobile tool for the assessment and rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect. In accordance with the literature, we show the potential for virtual reality, highlighting the advantages, limitations, and the possible future challenges.
Pedroli, Elisa & Pallavicini, Federica & Serino, Silvia & Cipresso, Pietro & Chicchi Giglioli, Irene & Riva, Giuseppe. (2018). The Use of Virtual Reality Tools for the Assessment of Executive Functions and Unilateral Spatial Neglect. 10.4018/978-1-5225-5469-1.ch043.
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Este proyecto ha recibido financiación de la Unión Europea del programa de investigación e innovación
Horizon 2020 bajo el acuerdo Nº 733901
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