Psychometric properties of the Teenage Executive Functioning Inventory (TEXI): A freely available questionnaire for assessing deficits in working memory and inhibition among adolescents
New virtual reality tool (Nesplora Aquarium) for assessing attention and working memory in adults: A normative study
Is a Virtual Reality Test Able to Predict Current and Retrospective ADHD Symptoms in Adulthood and Adolescence?
Exploring the Usability of Nesplora Aquarium, a Virtual Reality System for Neuropsychological Assessment of Attention and Executive Functioning
Factorial Structure of the Nesplora Aquarium virtual reality test for the attentional processes. International Neuropsychological Society
Development of a Virtual Reality-based Continuous Performance Test for the assessment of attention in adults. Nesplora Aquarium. Congreso de Psicología, Innovación Tecnológica y Emprendimiento
Comparación de la ejecución en el test Nesplora Aquarium entre personas monolingües y bilingües. Poster presentado en el X Congreso Nacional de Neuropsicología FANPSE.
Attention assessment in adults through virtual reality. Presentado en el 6th Scientific Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology
Evolución de los procesos atencionales en función de la edad, medidos a través de una herramienta en realidad virtual. Presentado en el Congreso Nacional de Psicología