
Is an ADHD Observation-Scale Based on DSM Criteria Able to Predict Performance in a Virtual Reality Continuous Performance Test?


The Diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) requires an exhaustive and objective assessment in order to design an intervention that is adapted to the peculiarities of the patients. The present study aimed to determine if the most commonly used ADHD observation scale—the Evaluation of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity (EDAH) scale—is able to predict performance in a Continuous Performance Test based on Virtual Reality (VR-CPT). One-hundred-and-fifty students (76% boys and 24% girls) aged 6–16 (M = 10.35; DT = 2.39) participated in the study. Regression analyses showed that only the EDAH subscale referring to inattention symptoms, was a statistically significant predictor of performance in a VR-CPT. More specifically, this subscale showed 86.5% prediction-accuracy regarding performance in the Omissions variable, 80.4% in the Commissions variable, and 74.5% in the Response-time variable. The EDAH subscales referring to impulsivity and hyperactivity were not statistically significant predictors of any variables in the VR-CPT. Our findings may partially explain why impulsive-hyperactive and the combined presentations of ADHD might be considered as unique and qualitatively different sub-categories of ADHD. These results also highlighted the importance of measuring not only the observable behaviors of ADHD individuals, but also the scores in performance tests that are attained by the patients themselves.
The present study supports the utility of the inattention subscale (belonging to EDAH scale) in predicting a patient´s performance in a VR-CPT (more specifically, AULA Nesplora). These results coincide with previous investigations, which suggested a strong relationship between the presence of inattention symptoms and a significantly high number of omission errors and slow response time [20,21,22,23].

Areces D, Rodríguez C, García T, Cueli M. Is an ADHD Observation-Scale Based on DSM Criteria Able to Predict Performance in a Virtual Reality Continuous Performance Test? Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(7):2409.


Full text: https://doi.org/10.3390/app10072409

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