
Intelligence at play: game-based assessment using a virtual-reality application


Several studies have shown that video games may indicate or even develop intellectual and cognitive abilities. As intelligence is one of the most widely used predictors of job performance, video games could thus have potential for personnel assessment. However, few studies have investigated whether and how virtual reality (VR) games can be used to make inferences about intelligence, even though companies increasingly use VR technology to recruit candidates. This proof-of-concept study contributes to bridging this gap between research and practice. Under controlled laboratory conditions, 103 participants played the commercial VR game Job Simulator and took the short version of the intelligence test BIS-4. Correlation and regression analysis reveal that, on average, participants who completed the game more quickly than others had higher levels of general intelligence and processing capacity, suggesting that VR games may provide useful supplementary tools in the prediction of job performance. Still, our results also indicate that game-based assessments have limitations that deserve researchers’ attention, which lead us to discuss directions for future research.

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Simons, A., Wohlgenannt, I., Zelt, S. et al. Intelligence at play: game-based assessment using a virtual-reality application. Virtual Reality (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-023-00752-9

Full text: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10055-023-00752-9#citeas

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