
Head-mounted display versus computer monitor for visual attention screening: A comparative study


Visual attention is crucial to many tasks during working. When it is impaired, the risk of occupational accidents is increased. A potential accident prevention would be the tracking of employees’ attentional states to construct break regimes. There is a promising visual attention test administered on a computer monitor (CM) that has several advantages over widely used continuous performance tests in detecting inattentiveness in occupational environments. However, as the setup with a CM is impractical for the use in particular working environments (e.g., lack of space or disturbing exposure to light), the test was implemented into a head-mounted display (HMD). This study aimed to investigate whether the HMD version of the test is a suitable alternative to the CM version. For this purpose, participants (N = 30; 20–29 y) performed both tests. The performance on the HMD was significantly lower than on the CM. Moreover, the performances were compared with normative data recorded with a CM in a previous study. These data significantly differ from the data recorded with the CM in the present study. This emphasizes the importance of a standardized test environment, which could be provided by an HMD. Conclusively, this study revealed that the new VR tool, based on a previous test designed to assess visual skills in a complex visual environment, exhibited good psychometric property regarding the reliability. In additional, no problems were revealed regarding the functionality and usability of the HMD.


Supplementary content related to this article has been publish online at [URL].References

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Head-mounted display versus computer monitor for visual attention screening: A comparative study, HELIYON (2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16610.

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