Virtual Reality-based Assessment and Rating Scales in ADHD Diagnosis / La evaluación mediante realidad virtual y las escalas de valoración en el diagnóstico del TDAH
Developing attention deficits/hyperactivity disorder-virtual reality diagnostic tool with machine learning for children and adolescents
AULA virtual reality test and EDAH observation scale: Complementary resources in the identification of ADHD
Comparison between processing speed of WISC-IV and response time of the CPT NESPLORA AULA in children with ADHD
Efecto diferencial del metilfenidato y la lisdexanfetamina en la ejecución del Test neuropsicológico AULA Nesplora en niños/ as en tratamiento para TDAH
Examining the Academic Trends in Neuropsychological Tests for Executive Functions Using Virtual Reality: Systematic Literature Review